Right to Information Act (RTI) India along with all currently available State RTI Rules and a Sample RTI Form in a single android app with powerful features including freetext search, jump to State etc. We hope this FREE app serves as an useful reference to any member of the public interested in filing a RTI application
Hak untuk Information Act (RTI) India bersama dengan semua yang tersedia saat ini Negara Aturan RTI dan Sampel RTI Formulir dalam aplikasi android tunggal dengan fitur canggih termasuk pencarian FREETEXT, melompat ke Negara dll Kami berharap aplikasi ini GRATIS berfungsi sebagai referensi yang berguna untuk setiap anggota masyarakat tertarik mengajukan aplikasi RTI
Right to Information Act (RTI) India along with all currently available State RTI Rules and a Sample RTI Form in a single android app with powerful features including freetext search, jump to State etc. We hope this FREE app serves as an useful reference to any member of the public interested in filing a RTI application